Welcome to PyQRCodeNG’s documentation!

The PyQRCodeNG module is a QR code generator that is simple to use and written in pure python. The module is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.x. The module automates most of the building process for you. Generally, QR codes can be created using only two lines of code!

Unlike many other generators, all of the automation can be controlled manually. You are free to set any or all of the properties of your QR code.

QR codes can be saved as SVG, EPS, PNG (by using the pypng module), and plain text. PIL is not used to render the image files. You can also display a QR code directly in a compatible terminal.

The PyQRCodeNG module attempts to follow the QR code standard as closely as possible. The terminology and the encodings used in pyqrcode come directly from the standard. This module also follows the algorithm laid out in the standard.



The PyQRCodeNG module only requires Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.x. You may want to install pypng in order to render PNG files, but it is optional. Note, pypng is a pure python PNG writer which does not require any other libraries.


Installation is simple. PyQRCodeNG can be installed from pip using the following command:

$ pip install -U pyqrcodeng

Replacing PyQRCode with PyQRCodeNG

PyQRCodeNG is a fork of PyQRCode since the latter seems to be unmaintained. The API is mainly compatible to PyQRCode. In your code you can use the following import without changing the QR Code generation code:

>>> import pyqrcodeng as pyqrcode


The PyQRCodeNG module aims to be as simple to use as possible. Below is a simple example of creating a QR code for a URL. The code is rendered out as a black and white scalable vector graphics file.

>>> import pyqrcodeng
>>> url = pyqrcodeng.create('http://uca.edu')
>>> url.svg('uca-url.svg', scale=8)
>>> print(url.terminal(quiet_zone=1))

The PyQRCodeNG module, while easy to use, is powerful. You can set all of the properties of the QR code. If you install the optional pypng library, you can also render the code as a PNG image. Below is a more complex example:

>>> big_code = pyqrcodeng.create('0987654321', error='L', version=27, mode='binary')
>>> big_code.png('code.png', scale=6, module_color=[0, 0, 0, 128], background=[0xff, 0xff, 0xcc])

Indices and tables